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University of Calgary

Education Degree Content

The Field Experience e-Portfolio provides students
an opportunity to collect and reflect on work they have
completed throughout field experience in the
Werklund School of Education


University course assignment samples & lesson plan projects.

EDUC 427 - LT3 - STEM Challenge - SOUND ē SCAPE
EDUC 427 - LT2 - Rich Mathematical Task in Music
EDUC 427 - LT3 - Final Example - Across The Land (Scene Before Yellow Murder Birds)
EDUC 427 - Computational Music Written with Code - Yellow Murder Birds
EDUC 460 - LT1 - Pecha Kucha - Why teach music in schools? - Jason Valleau
EDUC 435 - LT3 - Popular Culture & Literacy - Protest Music - Group 5
EDUC 420 - LT4 - Digital Storytelling - Technology - Group E3
EDUC 460 - LT2 - The Anartists - A World Without Arts
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